It may not be ideal, but it's ours life! Come on in...
30 September 2010
Unfortunately a MUST
Growing up as a youngster the only 2 things I dreaded was getting shots and spankings. Now as a grown woman, mother of 2 and wife to 1 my biggest 2 fears are leaving this world for another and seeing my babies get shots. Tomorrow is Ethan's 15 month shots that he should have gotten at 12 months, but due to insurance issues we could not do it. I hate you AETNA COBRA plan and CERIDIAN because you two are sister companies, but will not communicate to each other. I paid you $558.00 to have insurance a month and it took you over 3 months to send the information to each other so in the computer it would say "ACTIVE." Very frustrating to say the least. Ethan is a champ with his shots, but he hasn't gotten them in a long time and I'm fearing he will cry tears I have yet to see. Lily hates needles, but deals with them and only lets out a loud chirp! I don't want them to get shots on the same day, but seeing how their doctor's office is in Austin and gas is expensive we must do it all on one day. Ugh not looking forward to my babies getting their shots, but it is for their own good. I have to keep telling myself that or I will cry and not take them. Thankfully my momma is coming with me to help wrangle the wiggle worm aka Ethan!!! He is just like me when I was a little girl, always on the go and always getting into stuff. Oh how the tables have turned! Lily thank heavens takes after my husband. Don't think my husband could deal with 3 of me running around this world! It is a peaceful afternoon. I washed all the clothes, sheets, towels and windexed the mirrors. Now I need to sweep and mop the kitchen floor! Probably vacuum later tonight and get my "CREATIONS" together. I stapled my business cards to my bags and stuffed them also. Called to get information about renting a pavilion in Buda which is absurd to say the least. I won't even put up how much we were told it would cost because it gives me the willies. We are doing a Christmas Photo Shoot here in San Marcos on November 14th!!! Be there or be square. I hope this helps to expand both Price Photography and Luv Bug Creations because ultimately this is what we want to do when our children go off to school *sigh* I have several more years before that happens and until then I am going to enjoy every smile, tear, tantrum, hug, kiss, poopy diaper and high 5. This is what my life has become and I couldn't ask for more!!! I am blessed to have two healthy children and a supportive husband who may not know what to do or how to do things, but he's supportive and I'll take it! He means well. Today is a great day and I cannot wait till my wee ones wake up so we can get to playing again! It is definitely boring around this house when the sleep even though it's nice, I still miss the chaos! I honestly cannot remember what my life was like before these lil' blessings and I don't want to think about it because those were not the good days. I am living the great life now and I love it! Well that is all for now. Take care & GOD bless!
He was sliding off the couch just centimeter by centimeter! I slid him back up after this lol
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